Making Skirts - Part II

It started to become clear that the bubble skirt was in danger of being too puffy. Erm. Crap. I went first on the 'bubbling'. Yeah, it was too puffy. It looked like a costume! I had to resize it, trim it, press the bejesus out of it and now it kind of has the semblance of a normal skirt about it. Kind of. I'm not sure if it will ever see daylight.

Hilary, wise woman that she is, decided to watch me make mine first, saw how ridiculous it looked and decided to restyle at the last minute. She chose a sensible, cute A-line number and ended up with a piece that she wore next day. Hmm, lucky her. BTW, mine has a patch at the bottom because I managed to rip it too.
My skirt may not have turned out the way I wanted, but we did have fun making them. The material and the elastic were really nice to work with.

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